Walking in the Light

Sunday, 16 Jun 2024, 11:45 am
121 Macquarie St, Hobart


At St David’s Cathedral we long to help people walk in the light of Christ. We do this through our main services, but also through smaller groups and personal interaction.

A variety of free short courses are run in the Bishop Hay Centre (121 Macquarie St) during the year, currently: 

Christianity Explored | Sundays, from 11:45am-1:15pm (Lunch provided)

Discipleship Explored | Thursdays, 5:30pm-7pm (Dinner provided)

If you would like to find out more about these courses, have questions about Christianity, would like to read the Bible with another person or chat over coffee, our Discipleship Minister, the Rev’d Catriona Johnson would love to talk to you after a service or via email catriona@saintdavids.org.au 

121 Macquarie St, Hobart


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